Playwright vs Selenium

Playwright vs Selenium: Which is the Best Headless Browser

Here, I’ll break down each tool’s strengths, weaknesses, and standout qualities. We’ll see how Playwright and Selenium compare side-by-side, exploring their unique advantages. By the end, we’ll have a clear view of which tool might be the best choice for our web automation needs.

What Is Playwright and Selenium?

Playwright is a modern open-source automation tool introduced by Microsoft in 2020. It provides a single API to test across all major browsers, including Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit, and is designed to handle complex JavaScript-based applications effortlessly. Playwright emphasizes a streamlined, user-friendly API, parallel testing, and efficient handling of asynchronous operations, making it a strong choice for developers working with cutting-edge web applications.

Selenium, on the other hand, is a seasoned automation framework dating back to the early 2000s. It has been the industry standard for web testing, with a massive global community and compatibility across numerous browsers, platforms, and programming languages. Selenium’s ecosystem includes WebDriver, which directly interacts with browsers, providing an extensive range of testing capabilities, especially for applications requiring robust, cross-browser support.

The Best Paid Web Scraping Browsers

If your use case includes scraping websites, there are multiple alternatives that might be better than Selenium and Playwright, especially if you are looking for the “full package”. These are the top services I can recommend:

  1. Bright Data: Advanced anti-blocking, CAPTCHA-solving, and proxy management.
  2. OctoBrowser: Stealth settings with anti-detection for sensitive scraping.
  3. Undetectable Browser: Anti-fingerprinting tools to avoid tracking.
  4. Multilogin: Isolated environments mimicking genuine user sessions.
  5. Kameleo: Fingerprint randomization and virtual profiles for private scraping.

I am not affiliated with any of the websites mentioned above.

Advantage of Using Playwright Over Selenium

Modern API with Unified Browser Support

Playwright’s API is designed to simplify automation tasks for modern web applications. It enables cross-browser testing with a unified API for Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit, so you don’t need separate setups for each browser. This contrasts Selenium, where individual WebDriver installations are required for each browser, adding an extra layer of setup and management.

Faster and More Efficient Testing

Thanks to its asynchronous architecture and minimal boilerplate code, Playwright can execute tasks more quickly and efficiently than Selenium. The streamlined syntax and support for asynchronous testing allow developers to write compact and performant tests, especially beneficial for complex applications. Selenium does support asynchronous testing, but achieving the same level of efficiency often requires additional tools, such as AsyncWebDriver.

Parallel Test Execution

Playwright allows for parallel testing across multiple browsers, which can significantly cut down on test execution time. In continuous integration (CI) pipelines, fast feedback is crucial, and parallel testing makes Playwright an attractive choice. While Selenium also offers parallel testing capabilities, Playwright’s modern architecture makes it less prone to the lag and instability that sometimes affect Selenium’s parallel test execution.

Advantages of Using Selenium Over Playwright

Established Community and Extensive Resources

With over two decades in the market, Selenium has an extensive support ecosystem with numerous forums, tutorials, and plugins. This can be a valuable asset for troubleshooting, finding resources, or expanding functionality. While Playwright’s community is growing rapidly, Selenium’s established network and extensive resources give it an edge for developers seeking a mature, well-documented solution.

Broad Language and Legacy System Support

Selenium supports various programming languages, including Java, Python, C#, Ruby, and JavaScript, making it a versatile choice across different tech stacks. Playwright primarily supports JavaScript and TypeScript, with beta support for Python, C#, and Java. Additionally, Selenium’s compatibility with legacy systems and older browsers, like Internet Explorer, ensures it remains a reliable choice for applications requiring backward compatibility.

Robust Ecosystem with Plugin and Integration Support

Selenium’s established ecosystem includes plugins, libraries, and integrations with various CI/CD tools, providing flexibility and extensibility for various testing environments. This mature ecosystem especially benefits teams with complex requirements and diverse tech stacks.

Use Case Comparison: Web Scraping Weather Information

To better understand the practical differences, let’s compare how Playwright and Selenium handle a simple task: scraping weather information from a website. We’ll outline the process, from setup to implementation, for both tools.

Using Playwright to Scrape Weather Information

  1. Install Playwright: npm install playwright
  2. Set Up Browser: Initialize and launch a Chromium instance.
  3. Navigate to the Site and Search for Weather: Open Google and enter a search for the weather in a specified city.
  4. Extract Data: Use CSS selectors to retrieve the temperature, weather conditions, humidity, and wind speed.
  5. Close Browser: Terminate the Playwright instance.


const playwright = require('playwright');
const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch({ headless: false });
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto('');
await page.fill('textarea[name="q"]', `weather in ${city}`);
await'textarea[name="q"]', 'Enter');
await page.waitForSelector('.wob_t');
const temperature = await page.textContent('.wob_t[id="wob_tm"]');
await browser.close();
console.log(`Temperature: ${temperature}`);

Using Selenium to Scrape Weather Information

  1. Install Selenium WebDriver: npm install selenium-webdriver
  2. Initialize Browser: Launch a Chrome instance using WebDriver.
  3. Navigate to the Site and Search for Weather: Open Google and enter a search for the weather in the specified city.
  4. Extract Data: Locate and retrieve elements for temperature, weather condition, humidity, and wind speed.
  5. Close Browser: End the Selenium WebDriver instance.


const { Builder, By, Key, until } = require('selenium-webdriver');
let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
await driver.get('');
let searchBox = await driver.findElement('q'));
await searchBox.sendKeys(`weather in ${city}`, Key.RETURN);
await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('.wob_t')), 60000);
let temperature = await driver.findElement(By.css('.wob_t[id="wob_tm"]')).getText();
await driver.quit();
console.log(`Temperature: ${temperature}`);

Head-to-Head Comparison of Key Features

Playwright vs Selenium pics

Choosing Between Playwright and Selenium: Key Considerations

Browser Support and Testing Environment Needs: Selenium is a better choice if you require backward compatibility or need to support older browsers. Playwright is ideal for modern browser compatibility and cross-browser tests.

Development Language: Playwright favours JavaScript and TypeScript, making it a better fit for JavaScript-heavy development stacks. Selenium’s extensive language support makes it a versatile option for teams using Java, Python, or C#.

Parallel Testing and Performance: The playwright is generally faster and more efficient for fast execution and parallel testing. If performance isn’t a critical issue and you prioritize community support and stability, Selenium can be a solid choice.

Integration Needs: Selenium’s ecosystem offers more plugins and integrations, making it a flexible choice for varied CI/CD pipelines.

Community and Resource Availability: If extensive support and resources are critical, Selenium’s mature ecosystem can provide more stability and guidance. However, the Playwright’s community is rapidly expanding, with many resources emerging.


Playwright and Selenium are both strong tools with unique strengths. If you’re working on modern web applications that need speed, efficient handling of multiple tasks, and parallel testing, Playwright could be a great option. On the other hand, if you need a reliable, time-tested tool with wide support for different programming languages and legacy systems, Selenium is a solid choice.

Choosing between Playwright and Selenium depends on what your project needs, which browsers and languages you use, and what your team is comfortable with. Both tools offer valuable features, so no matter which one you pick, you’ll have a powerful solution for web automation.

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